Rebekah Brooks charged in phone-hacking case

Rebekah Brooks charged in phone-hacking caseRebekah Brooks, former chief executive of News International and ex-editor of News of the World, has been charged with obstruction of justice in the U.K. phone-hacking investigation.

Brooks will be charged with three counts of "conspiracy to pervert the course of justice." Her husband, Charlie, will be charged with two. Four others—her personal assistant, her driver, her personal security guard and the former head of security of News International—will also face charges, the Crown Prosecution Service announced.

The charges carry a maximum sentence of life in prison, the CPS said. source : Bing Yahoo

They are the first people charged in the phone-hacking scandal since investigators began their probe last summer.

The charges stem from their alleged attempts to conceal evidence last July during the police investigation into phone hacking at News International. Prosecutors say Brooks and her husband tried to dispose of a laptop and several boxes of documents related to the case. Brooks and her assistant, Cheryl Carter, are also accused of removing seven boxes of material from the archives of News International.

"We deplore this weak and unjust decision after the further unprecedented posturing of the [prosecutors]," Brooks' spokesman David Wilson said in a statement. "We will respond later today after our return from the police station."

Brooks, a favorite of News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch, resigned in the wake of the phone-hacking allegations against News International. She was questioned and arrested by police last July and arrested again in March, but had not been charged until Tuesday.

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Blind American painter helps children see hope

Blind American painter helps children see hopeShe sees little more than shadows and shapes. However, American artist Bojana Coklyat not only pursues her passion for painting, but transmits it to children with impaired sight so that they can see the world in a new way.

Coklyat, 33, lost most of her sight four years ago as a result of diabetes. She had to give up her job at an art gallery and, despairingly, put down her paint brushes.

Today, Coklyat is full of energy, greeting visitors with a big smile at Saint Joseph's School for the Blind in Jersey City.

An accomplished painter, she started as a volunteer, having decided to reexamine her life. At the school, which teaches children through all grades, she found "they did have an art class(room), a beautiful one, but no art teacher. I said, 'can I volunteer?'"

At first, her initiative was something of a surprise at the school. But over the last two years she has become indispensable and money has been found in the budget to pay her.

During a recent session, she taught two blind adolescents and nine nursery school aged children.

Some of the younger children had limited ability to see colors. The older ones did not, but had mental concepts of different colors.

The older classmates arrived with their telescopic white canes, which they folded and attached to their jeans on arrival.

Coklyat moved from group to group, telling Kevin, 17, to keep on with a painting started the previous week.

"What color do you want?" she asked, taking his hand and guiding it from a part already painted to an unpainted area, then bringing him paint and a brush.

Omar, 15, had started illustrating the words "hope, fear, kindness," she said. Again, she guided his hand, tracing the edges of the paper, before giving him a brush. Omar asked for white to illustrate "hope."

"Hope is like a clarity, hope is clear, that's why I chose white," he said.

At the other end of the classroom, the young children were getting impatient.

"Can I start? I want pink," a little girl said.

Coklyat suggested spring and flowers as a subject. Immediately she was off again to check on Omar.

"That is pretty much a perfect circle," she said, congratulating him.

The art works were highly clumsy, but what matters, Coklyat said, "is the process of creating."

"They are so into it. It is so important for them. It's another way of expressing themselves. It gives them a sense of accomplishment."

With the younger children, she got them to touch the wet paint.

"How does that feel? It's wet paint," she said. "You like the feeling of the brush?"

"Yes, that tickles," a child replied.

Omar asked for red to paint the word "fear."

"My favorite color is red. Red reminds me of the passion that I have for painting, it gets me strength," he said.

He said he loves the class. "When I think about something I like to visualize it before I put in it on paper."

When she's not teaching, Coklyat paints at home, her face close to the canvas. She favors big pieces in vivid colors and her style has changed since she went through her huge health problems.

"I am less focused on details, and more focused on feelings. I use more contrasts, more bright colors, and black lines to guide me," she said. "That is amazing how people find connections with my art and my feelings."

In November she underwent a kidney and pancreas transplant and no longer needs dialysis and insulin injections. With her improving health, new projects are taking shape.

Coklyat is preparing several exhibitions and says now she's keen to expand her experiences and become an art therapist.

Australian athlete loses bet, has to wear Borat mankini to Olympic Opening Ceremony

Olympic News Australian athlete loses bet, has to wear Borat mankini to Olympic Opening CeremonyAustralian shooter Russell Mark has vowed to wear a Borat-style mankini at the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics after losing a bet on an Aussie Rules football game.

Mark, a 1996 gold medalist and 2000 silver medalist, wagered on Carlton to defeat St. Kilda in a recent game. After Carlton was defeated by four goals, the 48-year-old admitted to his lost wager on radio.

"Oh, I must've been intoxicated," he joked, according to The Telegraph. "Anyway, a lot of people would think a mankini might look better than the uniform they've nominated for us, so I don't know if it's such a bad thing."

Mark was referring to Australia's actual Opening Ceremony uniform, which features a heavy, green jacket and generally makes Team Australia look more like real estate agents rather than athletes.

Complicating matters is that Mark is a potential flag bearer for the Australian team. He'll be competing in his sixth Olympics and that honor is usually given to athletes with longevity or special circumstances. Of course, in this case, Mark may have both.

Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik

Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik Pemenang Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah TerbaikKetika mencari info harga notebook Acer Aspire terbaru di internet, sebuah info mengenai ultrabook notebook tipis harga murah terbaik malah saya dapatkan di beberapa blog atau website. Rasa penasaran saya dengan tagline ultrabook notebook tipis harga murah terbaik tersebut membuat saya ingin membaca lebih lengkap tentang Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik disitus aslinya.

Memang selama ini alasan memilih netbook Acer salah satunya karena harga netbook Acer lebih terjangkau bagi kantong mahasiswa, apalagi yang ingin mencari laptop keren dengan kinerja yang bagus dan juga harganya murah, Acer tidak bisa pandang sebelah mata. Apalagi sekarang dengan ultrabook notebook tipis harga murah terbaik, Acer tentu lebih memperhatikan kebutuhan pengguna laptop. Karena ketika teknologi tablet PC diperkenalkan, disambut dengan sangat baik dan secara cepat menjadi bagian dari lifestyle.

Bahkan tidak hanya memperhatikan desain atau tampilan saja, dengan harga laptop acer terbaru yang saat ini Acer Group Indonesia memperkenalkan Acer Aspire S3 yang mana merupakan 1st Ultrabook in Indonesia terobosan terbaru dari Acer Indonesia dengan desain ultra aerodinamis ber-finishing metal dan sangat mengerti dengan kebutuhan pengguna laptop dijaman sekarang yang makin membooming leptop di Indonesia, Acer Aspire S3 konektivitas cepat dan long battery life yang dikemas dalam ketebalan 13mm (dari sisi tertipis) dan Acer Aspire S3 mempunyai bobot yang begitu ringan, kurang dari 1,35 Kg. Jadi tidak salah kalau tagline ultrabook notebook tipis harga murah terbaik berani ditawarkan oleh Ace.

Apakah hanya ringan dan murah saja kelebihan Acer Aspire S3 ini ? tentu tidak, Fitur andalan dari Acer Aspire S3 ini diadopsi dan telah dikembangkan dari tablet Acer Green Instant On, Acer dengan pengembangan yang terus dilakukan mempunyai teknologi yang memungkinkan ultrabook untuk terus standby dalam keadaan Sleep dan Deep Sleep, namun memiliki ketahanan baterai hingga 50 hari. Dalam kondisi Sleep, Aspire S hanya membutuhkan 2 detik untuk dapat beroperasi.

Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah TerbaikSelain itu, buat saya yang makin jatuh hati sama Acer Aspire S3 ini adalah terdapat Acer Instant Connect, yaitu fitur yang dapat mendeteksi WiFi hanya dalam waktu 2,5 detik, 4 kali lebih cepat dari netbook konvensional. Jadi sangat cocok buat saya yang setiap hari berjumpa dengan Internet, dari bangun tidur sampai tidur lagi karena untuk membuka notebook hingga tersambung dengan internet, waktu yang dibutuhkan hanya dalam hitungan detik.

Bagaimana menurut kalian ? Untuk harga leptop Acer Aspire S3 dan ketersediaannya kalian bisa hubungi langsung service center Acer terdekat. Info lokasi service center Acer bisa kamu temukan di sini:

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Nasib Para Blogger

Kebiasaan nulis memang begitu mengasikkan, apalagi nulis sesuatu yang ingin dibaca oleh orang banyak, bisa nambah pahala dan nambah saudara juga. Sebenarnya di indonesia banyak sekali para penulis-penulis handal entah itu kalangan orang kaya maupun kalangan orang pas-pasan, baik itu masih kecil bahkan sudah tuapun ada yang gemar menulis. Memang kebiasaan menulis dapat mendatangkan rejeki bagi sang penulis, karena hasil karya tulisannya dapat mereka jual lewat artikel-artikel berbayar di Koran, tabloid, majalah, ataupun langsung mereka kemas dalam satu buku. Tapi semua itu tidak mudah karena semua itu membutuhkan media untuk promosi. Banyak penulis ingin mempromosikan tulisannya melalui surat kabar dengan membayar terlebih dahulu ---itu dulu--- setelah mereka mempunyai brand image mereka tinggal menikmati hasil tulisannya dengan kemasan buku.

Tulisan Hatiku

Kutuliskan sebuah kata dari hatiku yang terdalam sebagai wujud syukurku kepadaMU, mungkin diri ini yang penuh dengan dosa, hanya bisa menulis demi perubahan negeriku tercinta ini.

Aku hanya seorang blogger cilik yang ingin merubah dunia menjadi lebih madani.
Aku hanya seorang anak KAMPUngS yang hanya bisa merengek dan merengek yang haus akan ilmu kepada Orang Alim
Setiap Tulisanku menjadi pelajaran berarti bagiku,ternyata aku masih bisa diberi kesempatan untuk menkmati karunianya.

Tanganku bisa aku gunakan untuk memegang Mouse..
Jariku bisa aku gunakan untuk mengetik Keyboard..
Mulutku bisa aku gunakan untuk menggumam..
Mataku bisa aku gunakan untuk melihat silaunya layar monitor..
Otakku bisa aka gunakan untuk berfikir menyusun kata demi kata..
Dan Telingaku bisa aku gunakan untuk mendengar tangisan dari hati para pencari kedamain yang penuh akan dosa...